Travel Phrasal Verbs and Expressions in English

I travelled to Ireland to visit a friend last week and if you were watching my journey on Instagram, you will have seen that I taught you many useful travel related phrases. Let me put them all in this one useful blog post for you.

I wanted to 'get away' (phrasal verb) and 'take a break' so I booked return flights to Ireland. My journey was divided into different parts. It started with the 'first leg' (this means the first part of the journey). The first leg was a bus ride (we use the verb 'ride' when talking about buses). We also use the preposition 'by' i.e. I travelled 'by' bus. I 'got on' the bus and we 'set off' (phrasal verbs). The 'second leg' of my journey was a short train ride to the airport. Again, we use the verb 'ride' for a train journey and the preposition 'by'. I travelled by train to the airport. The train 'set off' (phrasal verb to mean that it left the station).

When I arrived at the airport, I had to 'check in' (phrasal verb). 'Checking in' involved me giving the airport staff my case and my passport and I was given my 'boarding pass'. Next, I had to pass through 'security'. This means that I had to have my 'hand luggage' scanned and checked by security officers. I then had to wait for approximately two hours in the 'departures lounge' of the airport. I found a quiet area in which to 'chill out' (phrasal verb) and have a nice cup of tea. I 'kept an eye on' the 'departures board' and went to the necessary boarding gate. If you were following this journey on Instagram, you will have seen that I went to the wrong gate and almost missed my flight! 

Then I 'boarded' my flight. It was a very short one hour flight over to Ireland. I relaxed and 'switched off' (phrasal verb) by reading my book for one hour. When I arrived, I had to show my passport and collect my luggage and then I had the fourth leg of my journey - another bus ride. I bought a 'return ticket' on the bus. This means a ticket to take me both ways (known as a 'round trip' in American English and a 'return journey' in British English). My friend was waiting at the bus station to 'pick me up' (phrasal verb meaning she collected me). I was delighted to see her!

I spent my days 'hanging out' with my friend and 'looking around' the city. I did some local research and 'looked up' some places to visit. We went 'out and about' each day. At the end of my five-day trip, I 'set off' back to the airport by bus. I checked in, boarded my return flight to London and flew home. 

Did you learn any new expressions? Did you notice how many phrasal verbs there are related to travel?! A lot! Comment with some sentences about travel and I will give you feedback.  


I hope this blog was useful. If you think your friends would like it, please send it to them or share it on Facebook. Thank you.

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Good luck with your English!

Sarah x


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