The Many Uses of 'So'

'So' is used frequently and has different meanings which can be confusing. Let me explain:


'So' can precede an adjective to give extra emphasis.


E.g. It's so cold in Canada.

E.g. That cake looks so good!


'So' can be used with certain verbs such as: think, suppose, believe, expect and hope.


E.g. “Are you coming to my house?” “I suppose so.”

E.g. “Will you go to France?” “I expect so.”

E.g. “Will he come with you on Thursday?” “I hope so.”

E.g. “Are you seeing Olga later?” “I think so.”

E.g. “Did he get the job?” “I believe so.”


The negative response to the questions above will often be with 'not'.

E.g. “Are you coming to my house?” “I suppose not.”

E.g. “Will you go to France?” “I expect not.”

E.g. “Will he come with you on Thursday?” “I hope not.”


But sometimes it can have another structure.

E.g. “Are you seeing Olga later?” “I don't think so.”

E.g. “Did he get the job?” “I don't believe so.”


Remember, there are some 'rules' in English, but these 'rules' often have exceptions!


We can also use 'so' with 'do' or 'does' in answers where we are agreeing.


E.g. “I love classical music.” “So do I.”

E.g. That cake looks good and so does that pie.


The negative agreement to the questions above will often be with 'neither' plus 'do' or 'does'.


E.g. “I don't like classical music.” “Neither do I.”

E.g. That cake doesn't look good and neither does that pie.


Comment below with some more examples and I will give you feedback.

Did you see the blog post about the differences between British English and American English? Find it here.

Sarah x

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Good luck with your English!

Sarah x


When to Use 'Like' and 'As'


Travel Phrasal Verbs and Expressions in English