7 Tips for Making a Good Impression with Your Writing


A lot of English learners need to know how to write for specific reasons such as work or university so here is a short guide on things to remember to do when writing in English.

  1. Decide if you are using American or British English. It's important to use the same English throughout the writing. There are some differences in both spelling and vocabulary between American and British English. Read more about that here.

  2. Choose your tense. You need to try and stick to the same tense at least within the same sentence. There might be a need to change the tense partway through the piece of the writing but not in a sentence. Mixing of tenses can lead to sloppy looking writing. I was told off for this by my dad a lot when I was younger!

  3. Read out loud. I can't stress enough how important it is to read back your writing out loud to yourself. You can just whisper if you're around other people so they won't hear you. This method makes it much easier for you to spot a mistake, trust me!

  4. Learn formal writing styles. It's important in work and university pieces to write formally (usually) so spend some time learning about formal English. Your writing brief might also want you to use specific language so make sure you're clear on what the writing task is and what is expected.

  5. Spell check. These days it's not an excuse to make a spelling mistake because most of us type on a platform that will show error marks when you've spelt something wrong. Always, always use the spell check function because bad spelling just looks lazy.

  6. Proof-read. If possible, it's a great idea to get someone to proof-read your work as they might find mistakes you missed. Obviously, I mean a friend or parent for example rather than a paid service in this instance. It's important that the writing is your own!

  7. Take your time. Try not to leave your writing task to the last minute. It's a really good idea once you've written it, to leave it for a day or so and then go back and read it again as you will have fresh eyes on the piece of work. Sometimes, when you spend a long period of time looking at something, you start to miss mistakes. Taking time away from the work and going back to it can help you see the writing from a fresh perspective.

I hope these tips help. Just remember to spend a bit of extra time on writing because accurate writing makes a great impression.

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Good luck with your English!

Sarah x


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