"My family started our classes with Sarah in May 2017. Everybody in the family takes classes (our 2 girls, my husband and me). As far as I can see, Sarah is the best teacher we have met. We had tried some others in the UAE but we had been disappointed each time, because they were not effective, especially with the kids. Our girls have improved a lot since they have started. They understand English much better and they can now make a lot of sentences. Of course, it is too soon for them to be fluent, but they really feel more comfortable with the language. They enjoy their classes and are never bored. Sarah has an extensive offer of exercises so that the kids can have fun.
My husband and me have the same feeling for ourselves. We choose some topics with Sarah before the class and she sends to us some various materials (vocabulary, idioms, English articles, videos or podcasts, etc) in order to prepare the class. During the class, we speak about the topic as we were friends (and I have to say that Sarah is so friendly that it is easy to feel confident with her!) She never interrupts us, because she writes our mistakes on our shared Google document during the class so that we can speak about them after the conversation. The Google document is like a whiteboard. I really recommend her classes (and actually I have already recommended her to 3 of my friends who have exactly the same feeling!)"
- Anna (UAE)
I would like to write something about Teatime English. I knew Teatime English from my friend. She and her son have been studying English with Sarah and they really feel satisfied. She said “I studied speaking English with Sarah for two months and I learned more than when I studied for 2 years". I think that is real. Sarah is a good teacher. She has plans for class, vocabulary and grammar. The topics are really interesting and varied. Sarah is professional, cheery and comfortable. I hope in the shortest time, all of Teatime English’s students will speak English like a native speaker.
- Anh (Vietnam)
"Empece dando clases particulares con Sarah porque estaba preparándome el examen C1 de ingles y estaba interesada específicamente en mejorar la parte del Speaking. Dar clases con ella fueron bastante útiles para mi, ya que no solo mejore mi pronunciación con sus consejos sino que Sarah me enseño sinónimos y diferentes expresiones útiles con un vocabulario avanzado para esta parte. Ademas, tengo que decir que los recursos que usamos en las clases eran muy visuales, por ejemplo la pizarra digital, donde podia ver mas claramente mis errores y aprender palabras nuevas. Ademas como persona, Sarah es muy organizada y seguimos nuestras programación rigurosamente cada semana. También se preocupo por mi memoria día a día, por lo que sus ejercicios extra mejoraron mi nivel de inglés. Por ultimo solo decirte gracias Sarah porque aunque no aprobé mi examen, conseguí la nota mas alta en el speaking."
"I took up one to one lessons with Sarah because I was preparing for my C1 exam of English and I was particularly interested practising my speaking skills. Taking classes with her were highly useful. Not only she checked my pronunciation mistakes in each lesson but also she taught me synonyms and new ways of expressing different ideas with a wide range of vocabulary. Also,I must say that the way the showed me my mistakes were really visual in a digital whiteboard, which help me a lot in learning new words. In addition, Sarah is a very organized person, so we made a schedule and we stuck to it regularly. In addition, she was aware of my daily improvement and sent to me daily exercises and new exercises for improving my skills. Finally, I just can say thank you Sarah because although I didn't pass the exam I got the highest mark on my speaking part :)"
- Maria (Spain)
"I contacted Sarah several months ago in order to practice Interviews for the future as I was going to move to Australia and look for a job. She revised my CV and Cover Letter and together we were talking about how I could make them more natural and professional. We also had a couple of interview trainings which helped me a lot to face a real interview. She takes her classes very seriously and she is very qualified and competent teacher. I highly recommend her to any of the English practice you might need."
- Robledo (Spain)
"Me puse en contacto con Sarah hace unos meses para practicar entrevistas para el futuro ya que iba a mudarme a Australia para buscar trabajo. Ella me revisó el CV y la carta de presentación. En las clases que dimos hablamos de cómo poder mejorar para que sonara más natural y darle un toque profesional a las dos cosas. También practiqué algunas entrevistas con ella que me ayudaron a la hora de enfrentarme a una de verdad. Sarah se toma las clases muy en serio y es una profesora muy competente y cualificada. Os la recomiendo para cualquier tipo de ayuda que necesiteis a la hora de mejorar vuestro inglés." Robledo
"Me llamo Olga y estoy preparando el Advanced Certificate de Cambrigde. Elegí a Sarah como profesora porque estaba cansada de ir a una academia, porque al final el ritmo y el nivel de la clase no se ajustaba bien al mío y perdía tiempo en los trayectos de ida y vuelta. Sarah tiene un perfecto acento británico que entiendo muy bien y es experta en fonética, así que me ayuda mucho con mis errores de pronunciación, ya que el inglés tiene sonidos muy específicos que no existen en español y nadie me los había enseñado antes de manera sistematizada a través de patrones fonéticos.
Las clases son muy amenas , las sigo de manera relajada desde mi ordenador y se ajustan a mis necesidades particulares. Sarah además , ha vivido en España y entiende muy bien cuáles son nuestros errores más comunes y nuestros problemas de pronunciación.
La recomiendo como profesora, ¡ me está ayudando mucho a mejorar mi nivel ¡"
"My name is Olga and I'm preparing for the Cambrigde Advanced Certificate. I chose Sarah as a teacher because I was tired of going to an academy, because in the end the pace and level of the class did not fit well with me and I lost time on the journeys. Sarah has a perfect British accent that I understand very well and is an expert in phonetics, so it helps me a lot with my pronunciation mistakes, since English has very specific sounds that do not exist in Spanish and nobody had taught them to me before in a systematized way through phonetic patterns.
The classes are very enjoyable, I follow them in a relaxed way from my computer and adjust to my particular needs. Sarah has also lived in Spain and understands very well what are our common mistakes and our pronunciation problems.
I recommend her as a teacher, she is helping me a lot to improve my level!"
- Olga (Spain)
"Llevaba meses buscando una profe de ingles para practicar speaking, una amiga me recomendó Sarah y tengo que reconocer que he quedado encantado!.
Es una gran profesional, hace hincapié en los problemas que un español tiene cuando está aprendiendo inglés, tales como la fonética, la pronunciación y los puntos más peliagudos de la gramática entre otros.
Sus clases son amenas y muy dinámicas lo que hace que estés enganchado hasta el último minuto. Además las prepara a medida de tus necesidades, valorando tus carencias y los objetivos que te hayas marcado, lo que las hace exclusivas y muy productivas. Por eso mi conclusión final es que es una teacher altamente recomendable."
"I had been looking for an English teacher for practicing speaking for months, a friend recommended me Sarah and I have to admit that I was delighted!
She is a great professional, emphasizes the problems that a Spaniard has when he is learning English, such as phonetics, pronunciation and the trickiest points of grammar among others.
Her classes are fun and very dynamic which makes you hooked to the last minute. She also prepares them according to your needs, assessing your needs and the goals that you have marked, which makes them unique and very productive. So my final conclusion is that she is a highly recommended teacher."
- Jose Enrique (Spain)
I am Ayham from Syria. I am 23 years old. I live in Greece right now I don't know in the future where I will be living. I want to say I am so grateful for my teacher Sarah. She is very nice she give me feelings like I am talking with my friend who I know from long time ago. In my opinion that is because she has a nice way to treat her students. Thank you Sarah.
- Ayham (Greece)