How to Talk About Spring in English

I’m sure most of us can agree that spring is a lovely time of year. In this blog post, I’ll share some of my favourite things about spring and teach you the English vocabulary and phrases for these topics.

Flowers start to bloom.

First, we usually see pretty white snowdrops pop up.

I love the colour yellow and I adore yellow flowers, so when all the daffodils starts to come out after winter, it’s so pleasing to me.

Pretty purple crocuses usually bloom next.

Blossom starts to appear on trees too - stunning!

Phrasal verbs:
to pop up (meaning: grow from the ground)
come out (meaning: to bloom)


Warmer weather.

London can actually get really hot in summer and most of us don’t have air conditioning so it can be too hot. 🥵Spring temperatures are lovely. They usually rise to about 20 degrees Celsius over the spring months. We can say, ‘T-shirt weather’.

Phrases to use with your child:

"You don't need a coat today. It's T-shirt weather."

"You need to wear suncream today."

"Drink plenty of water when you're running around in the sun."

More daylight.

Currently, the sun sets at around 6pm here but by the end of March it will set at around 8pm and around 9pm at the end of spring. This means we can spend longer playing outdoors.

Verb: to set (opposite: to rise)

Phrasal verb: to play out

"Let's play out before dinner."

"Let's see if the neighbours are playing out."

I hope this was useful. Please share it on Facebook or with other English learners.

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Before you go…

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Hi, I’m Saf!

I’m a CELTA qualified English Language teacher and have been teaching for 5 years. I love it!

I can’t wait to teach you on Zoom. Saf x


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