5 Tips for Using Songs to Help Your Child Practise English

This is a guest post from Teacher Fabiane from Welcome English Class.

1. There are some excellent websites to help you with singing along to songs while seeing the lyrics visually. I recommend LyricsGaps, LyricsTraining, and British Council.

2. Singing online with friends or family members is super fun. You can organise a Zoom karaoke party! Of course, uncles, aunts and grandparents are your child’s biggest fans so this will motivate them.

3. Choose songs according to the moment that you are going to listen to them. For example, at your child’s bedtime, it is wiser to play calming songs. Learn some summer-themed songs for summer months and cold weather songs for winter months etc.

4. Before playing the song, read the lyrics out loud and look for the meanings of unknown words.

5. Use certain songs at set times in the day. For example, use a specific song every time you tidy up their toys together and make it fun by tidying up before the song ends so the song is like a timer. You can do this for other activities like getting dressed or showering too.

Music is a fun way to learn English for both children and adults. It can also strengthen the parent-child relationship and bring joy into your home, while still improving your English skills.

Have fun practising!

childrens english teacher

Before you go…

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Hi, I’m Saf!

I’m a CELTA qualified English Language teacher and have been teaching for 5 years. I love it!

I can’t wait to teach you on Zoom. Saf x


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