New Year Traditions in the UK

Midnight on the 31st December each year marks the start of a new calendar year. Some people like to reflect on the previous year and some people like to make New Year’s resolutions. These are promises that people make to themselves about things they would like to do or achieve in the new year.

Popular resolutions include:

  • eating healthily

  • exercising more

  • saving money

  • learning a new skill

new year

Some people don’t make resolutions and some don’t do anything special for New Year. Personally, I reflect and I set goals for the upcoming year. For me, it’s a significant time and a time of reflecting and planning. I also like to celebrate at a party! Many Brits celebrate at home, on the streets, in a pub or at a party.

In London and other major cities, there will be stunning firework displays at midnight. People may drink champagne and ‘bring in’ the new year.

new year

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