What is an Interjection?

Have you ever watched a film in English and heard a character saying, “Ouch!” or “Oops!”? These are known as interjections.

Let’s break this word down: ‘inter’ originates from the Latin word meaning ‘between’ and ‘jection’ (‘jacĕre’) meaning ‘to throw’. So it literally means ‘to throw a word between a sentence’. We often use interjections as a way of vocalising a sudden feeling or expressing emotion. Interjections vary between different languages; whilst travelling I heard several interjections that were not used in Britain. Interjections in different languages are so interesting to me!

Here is a list of common interjections that we use in the U.K.

  • ‘Hmm’ is used when pausing to think. For example, “What would you like to eat for dinner?” asked Sarah. “Hmm. Something delicious!” replied Hannah.

  • ‘Oops’ is used after an accident. For example, “Oops!” Sarah exclaimed as she dropped her phone. Other variations of this are ‘Whoops’ and ‘Oh dear’.

  • ‘Shh’ is used when we want people to be quiet. For example, “Shhh! You need to be quiet in the library.” hissed the angry librarian.

  • ‘Wahoo!’ is used when we want to celebrate. For example, “Wahoo! It’s the weekend!” cheered Rosie as she woke up on Saturday morning. Other variations of this are ‘Wahey’, ‘Yay’ or ‘Yipee’.

  • ‘Phew!’ is used when we are relieved. For example, “Phew! I thought I was going to miss the bus but I arrived just in time.”

Here are some situations and I would like you to match them with an appropriate interjection:

  • “_______” Reece whispered as he crept past his sleeping baby.

  • “_______” Liam elated as he got his exam results.

  • “_______” Amy mumbled as she thought about what she wanted to.

Do you know more English interjections? Comment below with more.

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Good luck with your English!

Sarah x

english teacher

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