Five Easy to Use English Idioms

Teacher Saf from has kindly written this post for you guys and I think you will find it very useful. Follow her Instagram too for daily free English tips.

I'm often asked by English learners, 'Do you *really* use idioms in everyday in English?' The simple answer is, 'Yes!'

Not only do we use idioms frequently, I'd say we often rely on them to accurately describe a feeling or a situation. Sometimes, only an idiom can explain what we mean. Idioms are key to sounding more native, too. They don't always make sense because they are not literal so sometimes you just have to learn them and their meanings without understanding how the individual words link together!

Here are 5 common everyday British English idioms. I have only chosen ones I would use myself so you know that they are genuinely useful!

5 everyday British idioms:

  • 'Take the mickey' = To joke around with someone. For example 'Joe kept taking the mickey/mick out of his brother because his new hair cut was so bad.'

  • 'Cheap as chips' = Something is very cheap. For example 'These new headphones were as cheap as chips!'

  • 'Nosy Parker' = What we call a nosy person in a playful manner. For example 'Oi, stop looking through my stuff you nosy parker!'

  • 'Death warmed up' = When someone looks very rough/ill. For example 'Are you okay, you look like death warmed up. Is it because you were out drinking last night?!'

  • 'Get out of hand' = When something becomes uncontrollable. For example 'The party last night got completely out of hand, I had to call the police.'

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Teacher Saf


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Good luck with your English!

Sarah x


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