How to Say You Haven't Heard in English.

When you are having a conversation with someone in English you will be using both your speaking and your listening skills. There will be times when you don’t hear or don’t understand your partner. I want to teach you some phrases to express this. You may pick one of these phrases and use it every time, but it’s good to learn all of them because a person you are talking to may use these phrases to let you know they haven’t heard or understood you.

Here are some different ways to say that you haven't heard someone:

In English, it's usually considered rude to say 'What?" if you haven't heard someone, so avoid that for sure!

Instead, you can say:



“I didn’t hear you.”

“Can you repeat that please?”

“Can you say that a bit slower please?”

“I didn’t catch that.”

“Sorry, I didn’t understand what you just said.”

I recommend that you make a note of these phrases as they are extremely useful and common in spoken English.

I hope this was useful. If you think your friends would like it, please send this to them or share it on Facebook. Thank you.

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